Vale ++

October 30, 2010

Subscription test

Filed under: personal — Vale @ 12:30 pm

This is a test for my RSS subscriptors. Is all alright?

June 4, 2010

Bad days

Filed under: personal — Vale @ 12:19 am

Sometimes you wake up and you think you could do anything you propose. It’s a good day, when everything is alright and anything that happens to you is good. These are good days, you think positive since your first foot touch the floor.

And sometimes you wake up and everything is bad and ugly. You must fight since the first minute to make things half-good, and as if you double your effort things stay equal or go worse. Good news seems to annoy you, and you get nervous for any stupid little thing. These are bad days, you think negative and everything is seen for you across your negative lens. And logically bad things happens.

Today is a bad day although I got good news. But tomorrow will be a good day, sure.

January 5, 2010

Going away for some days

Filed under: Horses,personal — Vale @ 7:03 pm

Tomorrow I will travel to a town near Madrid. I’ll go there to start learning the basics on shoeing horses. I don’t want to be a farrier, at least now, but I’m curious to know the basics to shoe my own horses.

There will be 10 days at the mountains near Madrid, 10 days alone and far away from my family and my friends. I want to live that experience, I need a bit of lonely after all the radical recent changes in my life. And I’m curious to see what type of new friends I make there. I will spend some money and days of holidays at work to go there, but I have a feeling that it will be worth it, that it is a good investment. Time will tell.

November 18, 2009

Work in progress…

Filed under: personal — Vale @ 8:43 pm

to get control of my life again. Sometimes things are not what you see, and when something open your eyes you see how it really is your life. At that moment, you have to be brave to become a change, to choose your own way and discard all the others. Your instinct is your compass, and as it seems to be selfish of you, you must think only about you because if you are not good with yourself you cannot be good with others.

It’s never too late to begin a change, so I’m working in progress..

October 28, 2009

IRC Rally Principe de Asturias

Filed under: english,personal — Vale @ 8:24 pm

A Saturday in september I went to the Rally Principe de Asturias with some friends. We went to the 12th and 15th Special Stage (the same, they drove it two times), which were the last stage of the rally. I wake up at 7 o’clock, I started my Ford Sierra, I pick up my cousin Jose and our friend Jorge, who came from Ribadeo to go to the rally, and we went to Pola, where Pikero, Omar and Sara were waiting for us in the Pikero’s Ford Capri to go.

We went to La Campa de San Juan, a famous crossroads on what some people sleep the night before the race. There are a couple of curves there that makes the zone spectacular. As we expected, the level was high and cars drove so fast, on the first pass the three first drivers were in fifteen seconds at the global chrono time (unfortunately on the last pass Alberto Hevia had lost many time because of a wheel flat, and the rally was decided). We ate our sandwitches between the first and the second special, and at middle evening we return home. My cousin and Jorge also went home when we arrived Oviedo, so they had to go for an hour and a half more than us to Ribadeo.

Bad luck for Berti Hevia, if that wheel had not puncture, he would made his best rally and he would win the race, or he almost be the second. In an international rally it is a very good position, and he deserved it. So that’s life.

August 24, 2009

Aries, a rich web application framework

Filed under: Computer Science,personal — Vale @ 7:58 pm

logoariesAries is another framework to develop rich web applications. It is developed by Seresco, the company where I work. It is a very good framework to develop management enterprise applications because it was designed and made thinking about productivity in the develop phase. An Aries developer can develop client search and management screens with all functionality in about 15-20 minutes. Sometimes it looks like magic, things simply works and we don’t know exactly why.

But behind the scenes there are a 4-5 people team thinking and working to make things once. Magic does not exists. Everything have code lines and everything have a convention, too. You can change the default performance of almost everything in Aries, but obviously you have to program it.

Captura BusquedaAn Aries application is like a desktop application inside of your navigator. You have buttons, text fields, data grids, and a bunch of advanced components which are updated with Ajax technology making a good effect because page is never refreshed. It has little limitations compared to desktop applications, so there are some.

Aries is free software licensed with the Mozilla Public License. Binary files, sources and documentation are available in its web page. There is also a demo application to let you see the appearence of an Aries application. Use it at your own risk! 🙂

August 6, 2009

A MacBook

Filed under: Computer Science,personal — Vale @ 6:36 pm

Almost a year and a half ago, I bought an Apple MacBook laptop. It was a hard decision between the MacBook and a Dell XP1330 but finally the MacBook won.

Today I still don’t know if I made de right decision, sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think no. The Macbook is a good laptop, and Leopard is a good Operating System, better than any Windows of course. But I had to install Windows XP into the MacBook to do some work, and it’s so bad. Windows runs quite good, but not like in laptops made for Windows. There are some details that make the user unhappy, like the power management, and when you have to work three or four hours every day, that details make you hate Microsoft (even more) and the laptop.

Fortunely, I can use Mac OS X now, and I don’t have to use Windows on the Macbook any more if I don’t want. I still don’t know what software to use to do some things, but day by day the use will give me that knowlegde.

Last month, I had some problems with the MacBook related to the battery charge and the keyboard zone. I took it to the Apple shop at Oviedo, and they changed the faulty parts and give it to me again. Unfortunately, gmail filtered the emails which were letting me know that the laptop was repaired and it staid there for more than a month, but finally I pick it up and it works very good.

July 27, 2009

Summer holidays

Filed under: personal — Vale @ 8:44 pm

Everybody is thinking about summer holidays. There are people who are waiting nervously to start them today. There are other people who are enjoying them. There are others (like me) who end them and are living again in the cruel dialy routine.

In these holidays, I returned to las rias baixas, in the occidental coast of Galicia. I went with Euge, my girlfriend, in the new Ford Sierra 2.0i that I bought to my brother-in-law. We spent a week visiting pretty places, going to the beach, eating good local food like Padron peppers, spider crabs and sardines, and drinking good local Albariño wine. We went camping to a very good campsite in San Vicente do Mar, near to O Grove. It is a little far of towns, but it’s so peaceful.

Now that my summer holidays are out, we only have some weekends to go away and travel. At August we want to go to Ciudad Rodrigo with some friends if we can. And at October we have the autum holidays, two weeks to make plans but with more cold weather and less hours of daylight.

June 12, 2009

A lot of time again

Filed under: english,personal — Vale @ 5:03 pm

Time run away and I’m always doing more and more things. I’m always thinking that I have to update my english (and spanish) blog but I can’t find the time.

Six months ago I made a promise that I couldn’t keep. Now I change it to a less demanding effort, and I will try to write at least one post every month (and keep it).

In this time I had some things to tell. I bought a mare called Queen and it had a foal that we called Kina. It will be a good mare.

Recently I also bought a car, a sixteen-year-old Ford Sierra what was of my sister and my brother-in-law. It is a good car, and it’s good-kept, so I expect to drive it for a long time.

I’m slowly moving all my things to my girlfriend’s house, so I expect that in a little time I will change my official home. Actually, I’m living there since a couple of months, but I still have a lot of things in my parent’s home, so I’m still officially living with them.

December 9, 2008

Some time ago…

Filed under: english,personal — Vale @ 7:03 pm

I started a project to practise my English. Now, more than a year ago, there are only nine posts in this blog. It’s more than nothing, but less than wished.

There were hard times ending my engineering, and it provoked to leave other projects, almost all the projects I had, during the last 6 months. I reduced the time for other projects to the minimum and I spend all this time in the engineering project. So blogs, specially this, were the first thing I leave.

Now I restart it with the solid intention of writing at least a post every week. We’ll see if I achieve the goal.

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